How You Can Begin Concreting Your Walkway

Concreting your walkway should be a project that you must invest upon. There are a lot of positive things that is to come your way when you have concreted your walkway. Building a strong, crack free walkway with the right amount of slab will ensure that you have a place to walk on securely, and that you can see to it that the benefits will certainly outweigh the money that you have spent for the project. The things like edges, leveling, smoothing and curing are important matters that you have to get a small insight on, so that you can overlook how the concreting project of your walkway is done.

Below are tips which you must familiarize so that you can always get the right outcome that you so desire to have. You need to fully settle the important matters, so that you can iron out the details that have to be tackled a little closely. This means that you can do micro management as your pathway is being concreted. It is important that you understand how concreting is being done so that you can have the right results in the end.

Tips to Build a Concrete Walkway

Tip 1: Overbuild your forms

Every builder has a horror story about forms that bulged or even collapsed under the force of wet concrete. To avoid a horror story of your own, build strong forms. Use 1-1/2-in.-thick boards (2x4s, 2x6s, etc.) except on curves. If you’re using 2x4s or 2x6s, place stakes no more than 3 ft. apart. If the forms extend belowground, pack soil against them. If they extend more than 6 in. aboveground, reduce the spacing between stakes and brace each one with a second stake and a diagonal “kicker.”

Tip 2: Form curves with hardboard

Hardboard siding is intended for exterior walls, but it’s also great stuff for forming curves because it’s flexible and cheap. A 12-in. x 16-ft. plank costs about $10 at lumberyards and you can cut it to any width you need. Because it’s so flexible, hardboard needs extra reinforcement to prevent bulging against the force of the concrete. If the forms are belowground, place stakes no more than 3 ft. apart and pack soil against them. For aboveground forms, space stakes 16 in. apart. To form consistent, parallel sides for a curved sidewalk, build one side first. Then use a “gauge board”—a 1×4 with blocks screwed to it—to position the other side. In wet weather, hardboard can swell and your perfect curves might become wavy. So if rain is forecast, be prepared to cover your hardboard forms.

Tip 3: Keep stakes below the form tops

Stakes that project above forms create a hurdle for your screed board—and screeding concrete is hard enough without obstacles. So before you pour, take five minutes to cut off any protruding stakes. If the tops of your forms are near ground level, make sure your screed board won’t drag against the ground; you may have to skim off a little dirt to clear a path for the board. The latest concreting innovation is found on this link.

You must consider beefing up your knowledge in terms of how concreting is made so that you can ask intelligent questions from those you have tasked to do the works for you. You can likewise ensure that you get the right results when you know what to check for as the concreting is being done. There are matters that you have to pay attention to, and think about deeper in terms of concreting your path, so you can better get good results in the end.

How To Lay A Concrete Path

For a long-lasting path with a smooth finish, concrete is a great option. It is made by mixing one part cement, two parts sand and four parts gravel, then gradually adding water.

To work out how much concrete you’ll need, multiply the area of the path by the desired thickness, round up to the nearest cubic metre and add an extra 0.2m3 to account for errors.

Mix the concrete in a wheelbarrow, or hire a concrete mixer for bigger jobs, for about $65 a day. Combine the sand and gravel, collectively called aggregate, with the cement and add an oxide powder for colour, if desired. 

Carefully add water until the mixture is creamy but not runny. 

Dry concrete mix can be purchased in bags with cement and aggregate already combined in the correct proportions. Simply add water to the mix according to the instructions.

TIP Always wear protective gloves, long pants and gumboots, as concrete can burn exposed skin.

Order premixed concrete for larger jobs, choosing N20/10. The N stands for normal concrete, 20 is its strength in megapascals, and 10 is the aggregate size in millimetres.

Install steel mesh with the edges at least 50mm from the formwork and control joints, and with equally thick layers of concrete above and below.

Set out a curve by building one side of the formwork using plywood, then use a timber gauge board with spacers beneath to position the other side. Get the latest update on concreting on this site:

Concreting is a good investment decision that you have to make. When you have a pathway that is not concreted, then it is important that you save for the concreting works to benefit from the positive results that concreting has to offer. You will never regret the decision to build a concrete path or walkway.

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