Venetian Pool

Venetian Pool, located in the heart of Miami, is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the city. The pool was built in 1927 and is a National Historic Landmark. It’s no wonder why people flock to this pool – with its ornate architecture and stunning setting, it’s easy to see why it’s so popular! In this blog post, we will give you an overview of the Venetian Pool and tell you everything you need to know before visiting.


This pool was built in 1927 by Miami Beach pioneer Carl Fisher. The pool was originally built for the elite and wealthy of Miami, but over time it has become a popular tourist destination for people from all walks of life.


The Venetian Pool is an 820-square-meter (882-square-yard) pool that is carved into the coral rock cliffside. It features two waterfalls, one at each end of the pool, as well as ornate architecture and tile work. The pool is open to the public year-round and admission is free for children under 12 years old and seniors over 65 years old. Hours vary seasonally, so be sure to check the website before visiting.

Things to do

Apart from swimming, you can enjoy a variety of activities at the Venetian Pool. There are two diving boards, one for children and another for adults. If you want to relax, there is plenty of seating around the pool area where people can sit down and rest their feet or watch others swim by them in the water.


The Venetian Pool is located on 2701 De Sota Boulevard in Coral Gables, Florida. It’s just minutes from Downtown Miami so it makes it easy to get here no matter what neighborhood you’re staying in! The pool’s address listed above may not match up with your GPS system unless they have been recently updated – make sure before heading out that day if this is an issue for you.


The Venetian Pool is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Miami, FL, so it can get crowded at times during peak season (May through September). If possible, try to go early on weekdays when there are fewer people visiting! We recommend planning ahead if possible because this will help ensure a smooth visit without any unexpected surprises along the way such as long lines or difficulty finding parking spaces nearby.

We hope this blog post has given you a better understanding of the Venetian Pool and its history. We encourage you to visit this beautiful pool during your next trip to Miami!

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