Get Rid Of Potholes through Quality Concrete Works

It is certainly a frustrating thing that as you are driving your car, on your pathway along your lawn, you will stumble upon a pothole. Without a doubt, these potholes are a driving hazard, and that it can lead to you and your family at risk of tripping while driving vehicles. But aside from all that, these potholes are also eyesore, and that is why, it would be best to cover them up through concrete works.

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Certainly, there will be a lot of problems which you will face when you are going to let the potholes stand on their own. It is for certain that if you don’t do anything, then these potholes will grow big and will certainly be putting you in so much trouble. Thus, you must immediately plan that concrete works; for it to commence immediately.

How to Deal with Potholes


Patching is another common asphalt repair for areas where potholes have occurred. This process begins by cleaning the repair area and applying a tack coat to help the new asphalt adhere to the existing surface. A layer of asphalt is then installed upon the existing surface with a depth from 1”-2.5” depending on the severity of the existing damage. Patching is a relatively inexpensive solution to asphalt defects. Since the edges are sometimes rebated with a milling machine or a small grinder to make them straight and flush, it is far more aesthetically pleasing than the “fill the pothole” approach. Like filling, however, it is generally not a very durable repair.
Peel & Pave

Asphalt removal and replacement, or as we call it, “peel & pave,” is another common repair tactic. This repair is often prescribed for areas with cracking and/or base failure. It begins by saw-cutting the perimeter of the repair area to achieve a clean edge. After the edges are saw-cut, the existing asphalt is removed to the depth specified. Typically, the new asphalt is installed in 2 lifts: a 3” binder course followed by a 1” top course. The depth of repair will vary dependent upon the extent of existing damage, and/or the load requirements to be met. By adding up to 10 times more lifespan than patch-work, asphalt removal & replacement is often a very cost-effective, long-term fix for your surface’s distressed areas. Read further tips from the main article source here…

Which is why, if you want to cover up those potholes then you must check out certain concrete works company and see for yourself the kind of services that they are offering to their customers. You must be able to find the one that will provide you with a lot of benefits so that you will enjoy the outcome of the works. It is also best that you check on the company’s website to further get information and reviews of the kind of concreting works that they have.

Douglas Concrete & Construction Blog is Live!

After many years of fighting off the questions “Do you have a website?” and “I tried to find you online, but couldn’t what’s your web address?” I finally decided about a year ago to bring my business current with a nice modern website. I wanted a website where I could show my work, what concrete services I provide, client testimonials and my service area in the St. Louis market to name a few things … but more importantly I wanted it to convey that Douglas Concrete & Construction is one of the area’s top companies for concrete contractors.

I have always prided myself on the work that my team and I produce as well as the knowledge that we have accumulated in the 25 years we have been in business. It is for these reasons why today I’m happy to launch our blog. We will be providing concrete and construction information for home owners, business owners as well as past, present and future clients. We will also use this blog to showcase current and past projects. My hope is that with a little bit of caffeine and a lot of help from my team we can provide you with useful information that will help educate you about the concrete and construction industry. Click this site to gain further information:

It would be important that you are going to familiarize the company that you want to tap for any concrete works that you want to begin. As doing so will ensure that you will be lead to the right company that will certainly give you an excellent result.

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