Hidden Gems in Raleigh, NC

When you read or hear about Raleigh, North Carolina you most probably think about North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences, Pullen Park, Marbles Children’s Museum, and many other attractions you read on travel websites and magazines.

Visiting these places can be exciting. However, you will need to rub shoulders with thousands of other visitors, and sometimes deal with some inconveniences brought by heavy traffic in these destinations.

If you need an experience of a lifetime the next time you visit Raleigh, consider uncovering some of the city’s most guarded secrets.

Raleigh is a city of hidden Gems. Some that you need to include in your bucket list include;

Carl Alwin Schenk Memorial Forest

In case you need a place where you will escape from the hassles and noises of civilization and embrace optimum serenity, Carl Alwin Schenk Memorial Forest is the perfect destination for you.

This 245-acre attraction is often overlooked, but it is a beehive of outdoor activities. Whether you are a fan of watching different bird species flying in the air or you love interacting with wildlife, this hidden gem has got your back.

After a picnic lunch and scenic views, you can learn a thing or two, since this forest is used as a research hub for North Carolina State University.

Robertson Millpond Preserve

Robertson Millpond Preserve is located a few minutes’ drive from Raleigh in the town of Wendell.  In case you are a kayaker, canoeist, or paddle boarder, this is the perfect place to enjoy your activity in a serene and natural setting.

This hidden treasure is a protected wetland, and is home to a number of animals which you will spot throughout your expedition.

Raleigh Municipal Rose Garden

The Raleigh Municipal Garden is located on the backside of the Raleigh Little Theatre complex, and is one of Raleigh’s hidden natural gems. It plays homage to over 1,200 roses in more than 60 varieties. Also, this garden has a broad array of deciduous trees which are ever-green regardless of the season of the year.

This garden is amazingly breath-taking, especially when the flowers are in full bloom from May to autumn. This is the perfect destination where you can appreciate the beauty of roses while having quality time with your friends and family.

WRAL Azalea Gardens

The WRAL Azalea Gardens is located between the campuses of North Carolina University and behind the WRAL television studios. This hidden treasure has brought tranquility to the city since 1959, yet it is highly unexplored.

When in this place, you will be surrounded by picturesque azaleas if different shapes as you enjoy various fragrances that fill the air around you.