Useful Tips On How To Avoid Clogging Your Pipelines And Hoses

A clogged pipe or hose can be very problematic, especially if it occurs whilst you are pumping something. If a clog or blockage isn’t addressed immediately it can lead to serious damage, sometimes causing the pipe or hose to burst. A burst pipe can cause serious damage to the structure of the buildings that it runs underneath, while a burst hosepipe can just cost a lot of money to replace, especially if it is an industrial hosepipe.

This article will explore this subject in greater detail, offering a few tips for avoiding clogging your pipes and hoses, as well as telling you how you can resolve blockages when they do occur:

Selecting Proper Equipment

You always need to make sure that you have the right equipment for the job. The best way to avoid clogging is to know exactly what you need to use before you get started as pumps aren’t one-size-fits-all. For example, you can’t use a standard pond pump to clear away a large amount of industrial slurry. Similarly, if you are going to use a pump in an industrial setting, then you need to make sure that it is an industrial pump. The materials that your pump needs to be made out of depending largely upon what it is that you are pumping.

Remove Floating Debris

Before you start pumping, it’s always worthwhile to remove floating debris. By removing floating debris from the very beginning, you eliminate any possibility that your pump’s pipes could get blocked. It is usually floating debris that causes blockages. Don’t ever start pumping if you notice large floating debris that is bigger than your pump’s pipe is because a blockage is guaranteed. The best way to remove large floating objects from a slurry or reservoir is with a fishing net. Alternatively, you can put a filter over your pump’s pipe to prevent large objects from passing through. At the end of the job, you can then go with an industrial vacuum or net and remove the debris.

Vacuum Up Thick Sludge

Thick sludge can also gather together when passing through a pipe and form blockages. The best way to deal with thick sludge is not to pump it, but to vacuum it. You can buy specially designed industrial vacuum cleaners made for clearing away sludge. Sludge is usually left at the end of a pump, so once you have finished pumping, you can clear away the residual sludge and debris. If you do try to push on and pump thick sludge, you will end up causing a blockage or two in your pipe, which could cost you a lot of money to replace. You might get away with doing it once or twice, but eventually, a clog will form.

Use Pump Correctly

If you want to ensure that your pump never becomes damaged or its pipes clogged, then use it correctly according to the manufacturer’s instructions. While in principle all pumps are the same, in practice they have their own nuances. Just because you have experience with one type of pipe, that doesn’t mean that you will have experience or knowledge with another. Make sure that you always use your pump correctly. If you have any issues with use, you should contact the pump’s manufacturers and ask them for their help. There’s no one better than the pump’s manufacturer.

Professional Pump Handlers

In addition to making sure that your pump is handled and operated correctly, you also need to make sure that you have professional pump handlers using it at all times. This is only applicable in an industrial, workplace setting. The likelihood is that if you are buying your pump for a construction site or for industrial purposes, it will not be you that is using it, and instead, your employees. There are courses that they can take in pump handling so that they know exactly what they are doing. It is definitely a good idea for them to take a few lessons in use before using it.

Resolving Blockages

Finally, if a blockage does occur it’s essential that you resolve it immediately. As already mentioned, depending on your pipe’s material, it could burst. Metal and plastic pipes burst quite often when blockages occur, because of the pressure inside the pipe. The best way to eliminate blockages is to snake a large piece of metal through, pushing the blockage out. Failing that you could use an industrial suction tool, that pulls dirt and blockages out. Finally, you could use large amounts of vinegar if the blockage consists of sludge or biodegradable waste.

If you have to use a pump, it’s essential that you use it properly. If you don’t you could have to totally replace its pipes. You need to do your best to avoid any blockages because they can cause burst pipes and lose you a lot of time and money.