The Dallas Arboretum and Botanical Garden

The Dallas Arboretum and Botanical Garden (DABG) is a beautiful attraction in the heart of Dallas, Texas. With over 66 acres of gardens, arboretums, and exhibits to explore, there is something for everyone at DABG! In this blog post, we will discuss some of the most interesting things you should know about this amazing attraction.

It is the largest public garden in Texas!

This is an incredibly impressive fact because Texas is so large! The Dallas Arboretum sits on 66 acres of beautiful land with over 20 different gardens to explore. There are many rare and exotic plants as well as native species that you can see at the arboretum all year round.

The first garden was built in 1984, but it wasn’t until 1989 when the Dallas City Council voted unanimously to approve $46 million dollars for construction costs on this project (including both private donations from individuals and corporations). In 1991, they opened their doors with just one display called “Dallas Blooms” which featured spring flowers like tulips and daffodils blooming next door at Fair Park during February through April each year since then it has become an annual tradition for people across the country to come to see these gardens during this time period due to their popularity on social media sites like Instagram.

The Dallas Arboretum in Dallas, TX was named one of the best botanical gardens in North America by Conde Nast Traveler!

This is a very prestigious award that only goes out every few years, so when you hear about something like this happening at such an amazing attraction as DABG- it’s definitely worth celebrating! This recognition came after several years of hard work and dedication from staff members at all levels within organization who wanted nothing more than provide quality experiences both visitors alike each day they opened their doors; but even today there are still many people who haven’t heard about what makes this place so unique!

There are over 20 different gardens to explore at the Dallas Arboretum.

The Dallas Arboretum is one of the most popular attractions in all of Texas, and it has been since 1991! In that time they have built up their collection from just two acres (now six) with a few plants here there now boasting nearly 200 acres dedicated solely towards displaying some rarest flowers found anywhere world as well dozens more types of indigenous flora native to the area around DABG which you won’t find any other botanical garden nearby like daffodils tulips magnolias orchids peonies roses lilies daylilies hibiscuses azaleas poinsettias wisteria bonsai cacti succulents and many others too numerous mention here.

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